If you are using Mozilla Firefox, please follow these steps:

  1. On your keyboard please click the following buttons: "CTRL" + "Shift" + "delete"

  2. Make sure you have "Cookies" & "Cache" checked off and click "Clear Now"

  3. Close your browser.

  4. Reopen your browser.

  5. Ensure you are only using ONE browser window and one tab to complete this process.

  6. Access the K-12 Online site through your school website or document that was given to you through letter or email.

If you are using Google Chrome, please follow these steps:

  1. On your keyboard please click the following buttons: "CTRL" + "Shift" + "delete"

  2. Make sure you have "Cookies" & "Cache" checked off and click "Clear Now"

  3. Close your browser.

  4. Reopen your browser.

  5. Ensure you are only using ONE browser window and one tab to complete this process.

  6. Access the K-12 Online site through your school website or document that was given to you through letter or email.

If you are still unable to complete your registration process, please close all your browsers or restart your computer.

  1. Open up ONE browser window. Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. If you are using Internet Explorer, it must be the latest version 11.There are still some issues with Internet Explorer that the K12OL system experiences, so we recommend switching browsers if you continue to experience issues.
  2. Please ensure Javascript is enabled.
  3. Keep in mind: K-12 Online does not support mobile devices or tablets. Please use a computer if you are experiencing issues with you device.