If you have multiple students who are siblings in the same family, you have the option to pay and sign up together. This adds up all tuition, fees, discounts and shows the breakdown for each payment for EACH student selected. It is recommended to select all siblings at once, making payments faster and more simple. But you do have the option to pay and set up schedules separately. You can set different students from the same family on different payment schedules if you wish to. Once all students have a selected schedule it will show you the breakdowns and totals for each payment for each student.

In the parent portal, the parent has to COMPLETE registration, which includes paying for any outstanding financial obligations) before they will be able to access their tuition schedule.  If the parent has not completed registration, they will not be able to pay or set up their AutoPay profile.

Parents with multiple students can select some or all of them at once when paying for tuition. You may also have some students in the family in one tuition schedule and some in the same family with another. Once the parent has set selected at least 1 student and has also selected a payment schedule and set up their AutoPay profile or selected Manual Pay, the Student Tuition link will no longer be available.  Parents will only be able to see the Tuition Details and Tuition Receipt.

Once payment has been selected you can view the upcoming payments and fees on the Tuition details Page. Here you can pay for upcoming payments seperatley or all siblings together. It breaks down each of the fees and discounts assessed to which payment dates to make it clear and easy to understand the total amounts for each payment.


Parents are free to make Manual Payments on any past, future, or present payments. And can do so as an individual or all at once as a family. You can even pay custom amounts of each payment for specific students.