Before going live with registration, we highly advise that you test your site as an actual parent in order to ensure the flow of your forms and to iron out any last details that need changing. Please keep in mind that the way your forms are set up correlate to how your reports will show as well as the PDF registration summary parents receive. 

You may create a test student, but after testing, please delete the test student to avoid SIS complications.

Navigation: SCP > Student > Returning Student > Manager

1. Click "+ADD STUDENT"

2. Complete the required fields to add the test student and click save.

3. Next, you will use this student's credentials to log into the Parent Portal (student number & access key). To access the Parent Portal, you will need the unique URL. You can find it by going to:

Navigation: SCP > User > School Admin Profile.

The link is located at the bottom of this page.

4. When you go onto the parent portal, you will click on the login menu for returning students. If you do not see the menu button, please make sure that you have it enabled. See Parent Portal Menus.