Document Requirement: mandatory documents that are required to enroll or register a student. These documents can be parent-controlled or admin-controlled, but not both. If created, document requirements will apply to all schools under the district.

Parent-Controlled: parents WILL upload documents in the Parent Portal and WILL NOT be required to bring in a physical copy of the document(s). Afterwards, admins will be responsible for checking the documents online and saving them to the school's database if necessary.

Admin-Controlled: parents WILL NOT upload documents in the Parent Portal and WILL be required to bring in a physical copy of the document(s). Admins will be will be responsible for checking the documents online and saving them to the school's database if necessary.

Navigation: DCP > Settings > System > Document Requirements

Parent-Controlled Document Requirements


2. Complete the following fields and ensure that the field "Uploadable by parent" is set to "Yes"

3. Click Save.

4. Navigation: DCP > Forms > Forms Manager

5. Change the status of form "Required Documents" to "Active." This will enable a system form to appear in the Parent Portal where students/parents will be able to upload their documents.

Admin-Controlled Document Requirements


2. Complete the following fields and ensure that the field "Uploadable by parent" is set to "No"

3. Click Save.

4. Navigation: DCP > Forms > Forms Manager

5. Change the status of form "Required Documents" to "Inactive." This will hide the system form from the Parent Portal. We recommend adding a new custom form with information only to let students/parents know that the school requires additional documents to be brought into the school in order for their enrollment/registration to be complete.