Navigation: DCP or SCP > Webstore > Setup > Webstores > Items Icon

Webstore Item: usually a tangible item that students can purchase optionally. Items can have a stock quantity or an open stock which means that students can purchase as many of the item as they would like to. (i.e. clothing, yearbooks, sports tickets, dance tickets, directories, etc.)

Adding a New Item

1. To add a new item, click on the blue "Add New Item" button.

2. There are several fields that you will need to complete in order to create an item. Bold fields are mandatory for the item to appear in the Parent Portal.

  • Category Name: items will be grouped by category in the Parent portal for easier navigation. See Creating Categories
  • Item Name: unique name of item that is no longer than 30 characters in length
  • General Ledger: items will be grouped by GL account for accounting purposes. See General Ledger Manager
  • Form: an external (non-registration) form can be associated with an item. This is created in the Form Manager. If a form is attached to an item, then the form will need to be completed in order for the purchase to go through. (i.e. parking permits, dance contracts, field trip waivers, etc.)
  • Description: item description will appear in the Parent Portal
  • Grade: select the student grades that the item will be available to. Otherwise it will not show in the Parent Portal
  • "Item Attributes": if you would like to add any attributes from the Item Master Attribute table to an item, click on this button. Doing so will enable more properties. You can only add attributes at the beginning of the item creation, and it cannot be added later. There is a limit of 30 attributes that you can add to an item. See Item Master Attribute
  • Available to Webstore: select the availability date of your item in order for it to appear in the Webstore. If no date is selected, it will not appear in the Parent Portal
  • External Link: if you would like parents to have an option to click to another link for "more info," you can include the link on the Item Details page here. In order for this option to show, you need to select "Available to Webstore"

3. Click Save & Continue. You will be asked to enter additional information for the item - Item Attributes. Bold fields are mandatory for the item to appear in the Parent Portal. Click "Add Attribute" to add additional properties.

  • Attribute Field: If selected, your attribute will have its own field. You may enter any option that will appear to the parent here. (i.e. If attribute is size, you will add "Small, Medium, Large")
  • SKU: equivalent to an item number. The SKU number is unique to the item and can only exist once; SKU numbers cannot be duplicated
  • Stock: if there is a stock quantity of an item, you can include it here. Students can only purchase the item if there is enough in stock. Keep at 0 if there is no set stock.
  • Reorder: the amount of times a parent can order/purchase an item. Keep at 0 if a parent can reorder an item as much as they want.
  • Price: price that students will purchase an item for
  • Special Price: price for "special members" (Please disregard if you are not using the Special Member feature for returning students)
  • Image: image will appear in the Parent Portal. Images help students/parents see visuals of the item they are purchasing. If there are multiple attributes, only the first image uploaded will appear.

4. Click Save once you are done.

5. If you create the item at the DCP level, you will need to assign it to the SCP in order for it to appear in the Parent Portal. See Assigning District Items, Fees, Fines, and Donations to the School

CSV File Upload

You can also choose to upload your attributes using a CSV file. Click on the Upload Bulk Attributes(CSV) button and choose your file. Please make sure the format of the columns goes as follows: (A-SKU, B-Size, C-Color, D-Stock, E-Reorder, F-Price, G-Special Price).

Please Note: If you delete an item, you cannot use the same item name or SKU number again. Instead, you should change the status to Inactive if you think you will use the item again in the future.