In order to understand how to set up your administrators in K-12 Online, it is important to first know the differences between the different admins you can set up.

Master Administrator: The designated liaison between K-12 Online and the district/school. For quality assurance, this is the only authorized person that may contact their K-12 Online representative. The master admin has district oversight and control over all schools with unlimited access to all features. Additionally, the master admin will be responsible for creating sub-admins who will either also have district control or only have school control (optional: limited access). See MASTER ADMIN SETUP

District Sub-Administrator: This user has the same system privileges as the master administrator. District sub-admins also have district oversight and control over all schools with unlimited access to all features. See DISTRICT SUB-ADMIN SETUP

School Administrator: One school administrator is allowed per school. This admin will have control and access over everything in the designated SCP. They will not have district access. See SCHOOL ADMIN SETUP

School Sub-Administrator: Other persons using K-12 Online. Each school sub-admin needs to have a role assigned to them. Sub-admin roles are created at the DCP with limited privileges that are delegated by the district admin. After the role is created, then it may be assigned to the sub-admin at the SCP (where the sub-admin is initially created). If you have issues with your access to certain pages, please contact your master admin to inquire. See SCHOOL SUB-ADMIN SETUP